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Leadership Gatherings

Leadership Gatherings convene pastors, ministry couples, and strategic Christian leaders from a variety of different backgrounds, denominations, geographical locations, church sizes, and experiences who share a common commitment to Christ and the Theological Commitments of Resound Project. The goal of the gatherings is to strengthen, encourage, and equip church leaders for ministry in our current cultural context through a peer-to-peer based model. We believe that the uniquely difficult and isolating challenges of ministry require more personal relationships built on friendship and mutual trust in order to sustain leaders and to pinpoint the most effective way to address particular issues within the life of a congregation. The gatherings facilitate not only time for deep work and reflection, but also entertainment and relaxation.

One of the greatest difficulties facing the church today is a lack of leadership that understands the unique features of the complex and changing world in which we live and offers a vision for ministry that is adequate for the moment. The Church needs to invest in the discipleship of emerging leaders in order to sustain a faithful encounter between the gospel and contemporary culture. To that end, Central seeks to function as a “teaching hospital” through Resound Project, creating a pipeline of future leaders to serve the Church in a variety of different contexts.

The Emerging Leaders Programs provide various points of entry for qualified candidates who exhibit a desire to learn from our particular philosophy of ministry. The programs are based on life stage, educational level, and vocational interest.

The Emerging Leaders Programs are housed within Central Presbyterian Church, so candidates must be able to affirm our Essentials of our Faith statement.

Ministry Internship Program

For male and female seminarians pursuing a vocation in professional ministry settings

Apply now through May 1 for programs beginning fall 2025.

The Ministry Internship Program is offered to qualified male and female candidates who have discerned a call to ministry and who are pursuing a degree from an accredited seminary. The purpose of the program is to help students grow spiritually and clarify their sense of call while worshipping and serving in the local church.

The internship is designed so that students receive a substantial amount of relational and spiritual support from the congregation and its members while also gaining extensive experience in ministry. We anticipate that some Ministry Interns will in the future serve the Church as senior, associate or assistant pastors or as ministry directors, and many will become excellent candidates for future positions at any one of the churches in the growing Resound network.

Pastoral Interns:

  • Work 20 hours per week at the local church for a renewable one-year period in supervised ministry in a specific area, such as Community Groups, Pastoral Care, Young Professionals, College Ministry, Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Church Administration, or Mission and Evangelism;
  • Pursue an advanced degree such as a Master of Arts or a Master of Divinity through an accredited seminary;
  • Participate in a series of modules focused on leadership, preaching, mission, pastoral care, cultural dynamics, and church renewal;
  • Receive a monthly stipend and scholarship for seminary.
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Residency Program

For male seminary graduates in the ordination process

Applications are closed for the Fall 2025 cohort. We will start accepting applications for the Fall 2026 cohort on September 1, 2025.

The Residency Program is offered to qualified male candidates who have graduated from seminary and are seeking ordination as ministers of the gospel. Candidates are selected for the Residency Program based on demonstrated leadership ability and the potential to play a significant role in the work of church renewal as pastors. After successful completion of the Residency Program, many residents become excellent candidates to serve as lead pastors of churches in need of renewal, assistant/associate pastors of larger churches within Resound’s network, or church planters, depending on gifting and opportunity.


  • Work full-time at the local church in supervised ministry for a two-year period, with select opportunities to teach, preach, facilitate worship, lead a Community Group, participate in a specific area of ministry, and engage in mission and evangelism;
  • Participate in a series of modules focused on leadership, preaching, mission, pastoral care, cultural dynamics, and church renewal;
  • Receive an annual stipend plus health care benefits.

College Internship Program

For male and female college students interested in church leadership

Apply now through May 1 for programs beginning fall 2025.

The College Internship Program is offered to qualified male and female candidates entering their junior or senior year of college who have demonstrated an interest in church leadership. The purpose of the program is to encourage interns’ growth in their vocational discernment, love for the church and understanding of Christian theology. The program provides a context for students to mature spiritually and discern their calling while worshipping and serving in the local church.

The internship is designed so that students receive a substantial amount of relational and spiritual support from the local church and its members. Some of the interns may eventually attend seminary and pursue ordination as pastors. Others may serve on church staffs as administrators, ministry leaders, or as future elders, deacons or trustees.

College Interns:

  • Work 5 hours a week for a 9-month period (typically one or two afternoons per week) in a specific ministry area such as Community Groups, Pastoral Care, Young Professionals, College Ministry, Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Church Administration, or Mission and Evangelism;
  • Attend classes and worship services and serve the church as needed in various areas of the church;
  • Participate in regular dinner discussions hosted by church members who can share their experiences in their particular vocations (medicine, government, scientific research, law, business, finance, fashion, media, the academy, the arts, etc.);
  • Receive a monthly stipend
A word from Resound's Program Director
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Fellows Program

For professionals and marketplace leaders in a variety of vocational pursuits

The Fellows Program is offered to relatively young professionals and marketplace leaders in a variety of different vocational pursuits who are interested in intensive theological training and discipleship. The goal of the program is to equip future leaders to embrace the integral relationship between faith and vocation and to use their gifts, experiences, and opportunities to serve the Church and the world in whatever field to which God calls them.


  • Worship and serve in the local church while maintaining their own employment in the field of their choice;
  • Participate in a guided discussion of assigned readings approximately 3 times per month over a 9-month period together with other fellows;
  • Receive monthly mentorship and coaching from senior leaders in the local congregation who have pursued a vocation in a similar field.

Program Participants

Sasha Blair

Ministry Intern

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Pamela Brumley

Ministry Intern

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Elena Frattaroli

Ministry Intern

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Hansol Kang

Pastoral Resident

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Makenzi Koyen

Ministry Intern

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Rafael Oliveira

Ministry Intern

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Graeme Straughn

Ministry Intern

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Program Graduates

Alan Charnock

Pastoral Resident

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Jacob Harvey

College Intern

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Abhishikth Babu

Pastoral Resident

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